Hycool_IT at 10th Rehva Summit
On the 19th of November took place the 10th Rehva Summit at Brussels. Participation of the BDTA was intended to have more links with this federation of associations along EU. The future dynamic energy performance for buildings will need new standards for real time and tested and certified mathematical models. Thank you to Pablo Carnero, Andrei Vladimir and Jarek Kurnitski […]
Hycool_IT at the Digital Twins and Mathematical Simulation event in Madrid
Great event the 14th of November in Madrid about Digital TWins and Mathematical Simulation, presenting the Hycool-IT EU Project to the audience. Some presentations were especially interesting, like the ones from CERN (Benjamin Sadu, Brad Schofield), European Space Agency – ESA (Remko Moeys) and Cesar De Prada (Universidad de Valladolid). Thank you to EAG (Empresarios […]
Hycool_IT second general assembly in Messina
Last Tuesday and Wednesday we gathered in the nice town of Messina at CNR ITAE Centro Prove premises to discuss advances in the project and plan immediate actions for the next six months. The design and implementation strategy is been defined according to new efficiency standards for ICT server rooms (including the most recommended server […]
Hycool_IT at Sustainable Places 2024
Hycool_IT participated for the first time in the Sustainable Places 2024 conference that was held in Luxembourg between 23 and 25 September. In a workshop titled ‘From energy simulations to standards‘, Hycool_IT joined forces with other EU-funded projects for the 12th annual edition of the event, these other contributors were HyperGryd, Hystore, Hybris, Senergy Nets, […]
Technical visit to pilot
On July 23rd July at Building B14a (RELAB) from the Energy department at Politecnico di Milano the Hycool_IT team met to test in situ part of the proposed solution. Within the framework of WP1 and WP2 of HyCool-IT project, several information and data requirements must be acquired in the test field, the server room at […]
Hycool_IT first general assembly in Barcelona
During the 15th and 16th April we held the first general assembly in Barcelona. As the project is at its beginnings most of the sessions were dedicated to discussing technical issues on integration of BIM, simbots, and simulations. We also carried out discussions on simulation software and data center validation, campus energy audit and analysis. […]